Last week, outgoing Gov. Ed Rendell asked the Legislature to examine the state’s death penalty with an eye to fix it or abolish it. This half-step toward compassion would have been more convincing if he had not moments before signed executive orders mandating the executions of six of his fellow citizens.
Unless those executions are halted by the courts, these men will be put to death between Feb. 23 and March 8, all of them under a system that the governor recognized to be broken.
One of Gov. Ed Rendell's last actions as to write a letter to the Legislature urging the repeal of the death penalty. In a letter to the Legislature, Gov. Rendell restated his support for the death penalty as a deterrent to violent crime. But the deterrent effect, he said, is mitigated by the delay in carrying out executions. When years pass between murder and execution, crimes and victims “may be long forgotten” and the efficacy of the deterrent “is simply not a reality.” He suggested shortening the time between the sentence and the defendant’s execution or replacing the death penalty with life sentences without parole, pardon or commutation. Additionally, he denounced the customarily lengthy appeals process because it “costs taxpayers substantial money” and robs the survivors of peace of mind.
While I applaud any action leading to the possible abolition of capital punishment, these are spurious grounds on which to oppose it and the suggested alternative is just plain wrong.
First, the careful reviews of death sentences that Gov. Rendell would cut short has proved that even innocent people can be convicted and condemned to die. The examination of hundreds of DNA exonerations has demonstrated the fallacy of rushing toward the gallows and has improved the accuracy of the judicial process.
Elizabeth Loftus, the eminent psychologist who pioneered the study of eyewitness mis-identifications, told me that her work convinces her that the growing number of wrongful convictions of innocent people should make everyone think twice about the death penalty.
Andy Hoover, legislative director of the ACLU of Pennsylvania, points out that “there’s really no way to streamline the process to make it shorter because you increase the risk of executing an innocent person.”
What about replacing death with life without parole, pardon or commutation? There already is no parole from a life sentence in Pennsylvania: We are a true “life means life” state. And if we constitutionally outlaw pardons, what do we do for the person who is eventually proved to be innocent but who can’t get into court because that proof comes, as current laws allow, too late to free him? If we eliminate every safety valve for the innocent then the law becomes, in the memorable words of one Supreme Court justice, “too sanguinary and cruel.”
As for expense and peace of mind as grounds for truncating judicial review, it is gruesome to suggest that we ought to derive satisfaction from killing people more quickly or do it to save a few dollars.
America has struggled with capital punishment for decades: whether to have it and how to determine who should die. These battles have been fought largely on constitutional grounds, with proponents arguing that the Constitution implicitly allows the death penalty: just like, incidentally, it implicitly allows slavery and gender inequality. But the genius of the Constitution is that its dictates, like the consciences of reasonable people, can evolve to meet contemporary standards of decency.
In 1994, Supreme Court Justice William Blackmun finally accepted that “the inevitability of factual, legal and moral error gives us a system that we know must wrongly kill some defendants.” Retired Justice John Paul Stevens calls capital punishment “the pointless and needless extinction of life with only marginal contributions to any discernible social or public purposes.”
The study requested by Gov. Rendell should nonetheless proceed under Gov. Tom Corbett, who also campaigned as a death penalty supporter. A good place to start would be with the American Bar Association’s 2007 Pennsylvania Death Penalty Assessment report that found a raft of procedural, forensic and funding problems with our capital justice system. The analysis also would benefit from the experience of other states. The Illinois Legislature recently sent the governor a bill to abolish capital punishment, as New Jersey did in 2007.
There are many reasons for these authorities and others to condemn the death penalty. It is cruel and random, it is often discriminatory, its presumed advantages are doubtful, and it places America in the company of nations that we should not want to emulate. But the best reason to oppose it is this: Killing another human being is a wicked thing, we should no longer let it be done in our name.
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